Do you sell products on Amazon? Are you actively doing what is called “Retail Arbitrage” (RA), or “Online Arbitrage” (OA)? If not, I’ll explain later. Or, use the Google machine to find out on your own.
If you are doing OA/RA, what tools are you using to be sure you get banger products? Jungle Scout? Helium 10? Seller Amp? Maybe a Discord group?
Here is what I am using: KEEPA. Keepa ( analyses the product you are considering to list. You get information like BSR, number of offers, prices (New, Buy Box, FBA, FBM) and history of those data.
This is what it looks like:

Keepa Chart
There is a ridiculous amount of information that is provided, but I find that if you continue to look at it regularly it becomes more intuitive.
Couple Keepa with SellerAmp and you’ll have the tools necessary to gain some traction on Amazon.
If you don’t have Keepa already, get it here:
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